

Motherhood Photographer

My Baby Prep Story | Why I’m Choosing to talk about this

November 4, 2018

#mybabyprepstory is a hashtag I created on Instagram a couple of months ago to connect with my motherhood following on my business account. I’ve been trying to think of ways to let you in on my personal life a bit more. Show my face. My life. To show you who’s behind My Motherhood Story.

Being a mother is my biggest dream.

In the next few years I hope to bring a child into this word.  I’m currently prepping my body & life for this wonderful miracle.

Right now I’m really focusing on my hormones. *Balancing your hormones is not an easy task and it takes time to do.* I’m working closely with Meg Tantillo, who is a health coach that is passionate about helping women with their hormones / period / help them get baby body ready.

With this series, My Baby Prep Story, I will take you along this journey…life before kids.

It’ll mainly be health talk, some house prep, some finance chat…(more my husbands thing).

I am so excited to start this series, but I must admit it feels a bit scary. This is a very personal topic and sits close to my heart. But I’ve literally been tossing and turning at night thinking of things to write, to share with you. There’s a strong pull for me to talk about this, I’m not sure why, but I’m just going with it.

I’m an open book, maybe even too open, to the people I love, but when it comes to strangers I like to be private. So, I’m being pulled in different directions.

What I’ve been noticing too, is that the closer we get to starting a family, the more closed in I’m becoming. I’m turning inward even more than before and craving a simple quiet life at home.07-06-16_vicang_eng-135