

Motherhood Photographer


September 8, 2016


I left the house as the sun was waking up on a beautiful summer morning on my way to Brooklyn to document Ana’s motherhood session. One thing I love to do is travel. There is something special about having time to yourself while you are traveling. I love to collect my thoughts, talk to my mom and old friends on the phone, listen to a new playlist or a podcast, munch on some sour patch kids, if I’m on a plane I love to indulge in a new magazine.

If you ever step foot in NYC you know that there is a constant buzz, you’re always moving, there is always something new and exciting to experience while you are there so naturally I was hyped up from the commute from CT when I arrived to Ana’s brownstone apartment. The moment I walked in the door a blanket of calmness draped over my body. And that’s what Ana’s Motherhood Session was, peaceful, calm and filled with tons of soft laughter and deep love. Witnessing the love these 2 little girls have for their mama was the highlight of my week.

Below is a section from my interview with Ana with pictures to follow. Ana also has a beautiful blog you should absolutely check out. I can’t wait to share her book with you guys in the next month!

When was the moment that you decided that you wanted to become a mother? Do you remember? I have always wanted to be a mother, ever since I could remember. As a little girl, I used to make my sister and nieces call me “mommy” and pretend they were my children. When I met Aaron, I knew it was going to become a reality; I was ready to take on that role.

How has life changed for you since becoming a mother? Everything had changed. I think I saw myself having a big career and traveling the world but I put all of that on hold to be home with them. I couldn’t think of anywhere else in the world I’d rather be than with them at this age.

What has been the biggest change for you after becoming a mother (both good and bad)? I think the biggest challenge that any mother faces is continuing to make time and space for ourselves. I could get lost in my girls. I want to get lost in them. They are my world. But, I know I’m a better mother when I go out and take care of myself. That way, I come home full patience, happiness, and a sense of purpose.

What is the best / most useful advice you have received about being a mother? Don’t listen to anyone or anything except your own heart. What works for you, might not work for someone else. And don’t judge anyone because what worked for your first baby, may not work for your second. I learned this one the hard way.

On a day off, what do you like to do? I love to just go walk around the city without any real agenda. Maybe I sit in a coffee shop the entire day or sometimes I walk all over the MoMA and try and soak in the quiet. But let’s be honest, I also just love laying in bed and binge watching Netflix.

Are you happy with the life you are living? Would you change anything?  Yes. It’s easy to think there is always something better out there – a bigger house, more money to travel, more time together as a family – but I know these are the best days of our life. I love our little apartment in Brooklyn. I love having New York City as our playground.

What is your favorite thing about being a Mother?  I think the best part is feeling like I’m always learning, always growing. Each stage with them brings new challenges and new adventures. They push me to be a better person and the reward is the greatest love I have ever known. Their laughter filling our tiny house is the greatest joy in my life.

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